366 Positive Things About The Star Wars Prequels #55

Positive Prequel Things #55


Jobs for the disabled

This is Tey How she has now eyes and no mouth I guess. She also has a job with the Trade Federation. The Star Wars universe is all about equal opportunities. Anakin Skywalker didn’t even think twice about blowing her up with the rest of the Trade Federation. Now that’s equality.

366 Positive Things About The Star Wars Prequels #50

Positive Prequel Things #50!


Hilarious droid antics!

Can you believe we’ve finally hit 50 positive things? No me neither. I’ve been scraping the bottom of the barrel since about #6 and tonight is no better. We’re back on Clones which is easily the film I like the least but what about that hilarious bit where C3PO gets his head grafted onto a baddie droid’s body? Oh the hilarity and then R2 saves him which is such a sweet moment I guess.